Text Ronda H. Photos MB, JK and ML
Many thanks to Margi Breare and Mick Liddell for a fascinating walk in
the park under, and close to, Westgate Bridge.
Regeneration of old dumping sites has been carried out by Westgate Biodiversity, originally Friends of Westgate Park.
We were treated to a fascinating insight by committee member, Lyn Allison, who spoke passionately about the long and complex process of regeneration.
The group’s vision was to transform the park into a bushland setting for locally indigenous plants and animals – a place where visitors can appreciate richly diverse, natural ecosystems in a beautiful landscape. Lyn talked about how the soil in the area was improved with liberal distribution of mulch and then over 300 different indigenous plants added, in various different habitats. It is now a haven for over 300 different species of native and migratory birds, and many insects, reptiles and some small mammals.
After a very pleasant walk we had a long morning tea when
Mick reminded us of the tragedy that occurred when the bridge was being
built, and how that has led to an increased focus on work safety, with greater emphasis on input from the workers themselves.
Despite the heavy traffic on the bridge, the park was remarkably quiet. We could have been miles from the City.