Metro Tunnel Trek, May 2022

Text and Images, Mick L

Federal election day May, 2022, dawned bright and sunny with no hint of the dramas brewing. Indeed, lovely weather stayed with us all day and nothing disturbing happened. Most had voted, results were as yet unknown, and politics was definitely off the agenda.

Arden station site

As two groups, we set out from the Arden and Parkville Station sites  to walk above the completed underground tunnels of the Metro Line.  Scramblers (4 ) at fast pace overtook the Ramblers + Amblers 6), catching up well before the next stop at the State Library. Our tribe forged on, blending in beautifully with the hoi polloi, only to materialise right on schedule at Metro HQ Showrooms.

Briefing at Metro HQ showrooms

Precision planning delivered us “just in time” for an expert presentation on all aspects of the build projects.  There, more members joined us (4), owing to the vagaries of present public transport. Diagrams, models, video walls and gift packs assured us of the transport excellence we shall enjoy from Sunbury, and later from Tullamarine Airport, linking to all places in Melbourne and on out to Pakenham. Fast trains will definitely be running the Metro Line in 2025, give or take a change of governments, a falling out of corporate partners, a doubling of the budget and about 5 years (author’s licence).

Super fast, super delicious coffee was collected from next door for the slog onto Anzac Station. Indeed Keith took the lead on several occasions.

Onward to ANZAC station

Troops convened at The Shrine where Peter Hall took us around to a pedestal designed by his father, an architect specialising in memorial design. The sculpture by their family friend is ‘Simpson and his Donkey’ representing the essence of Australian mateship.

Interesting plinth
Simpson and his donkey

This completed everybody’s wish for a good walk on Election Day. We adjourned for lunch at the Botanical Gardens Cafe.   Who knew an urban walk could be so entertaining?
