We have missed a number of walks, and we are unable to host our usual end of year BBQ, due to health restrictions. So post covid-lockdown, we have planned
- a walk at Sugarloaf Reservoir in November, with multiple walk leaders to allow for a max group size of 10 people.
- A walk in December followed by a picnic, to replace our annual BBQ and to enable some socialising (albeit suitably distanced). This was going to be at Tanglefoot, but lack of track maintenance during the lockdown means we need a new location, which is still to be confirmed.
- a walk in January. We normally don’t restart our walks calendar until February, but we have a bit of catching up to do!
We are also planning a trial of shorter midweek walks in the early months of next year, interposed between the main Saturday walks. If they prove popular, we may extend them into the future. More details later.
The Walks Coordinator will be liaising with members to develop the walks program for 2021, to be presented to the club at the AGM in February. Everyone who has ideas they would like considered, or who wishes to participate as a walks leader, may contact Mick Liddell directly
0407 404 648, mjlidde@gmail.com