Little Gem walk 29/4/2021 through Saint Kilda Botanic Gardens, Elwood Canal Linear Park and Elsternwick Nature Reserve, and return along the beach.
Leader Ann Wigglesworth, text and photos Mick Liddell
Ten of us came, out for an enjoyable time without requiring much distance from the legs. We arrived by various means. Some walked from home, some parked cars en route and some came on marvellous 96 Trams. Who knew there is such a lovely community lifestyle throughout these leafy burbs? (Well, our leaders Ann and Lionel actually).

We set out through a most productive commune veggies patch with the largest worm farm ever. Soon we were amongst school kid gardeners planting out flower beds with council staff in Melbourne’s “other” botanic gardens. A tree planting commemorates the heroic TV journalists who died while reporting the invasion of East Timor.
We walked miles below high-high tide along the Elwood canal that’s clearly under climate change challenge. Then we turned through the repurposed Elsternwick Golf Course, established forever now as a sanctuary for bayside natives of all sorts. Several stopped here to arrange a car ride as the rest pushed on to a beach kiosk as out lunch spot. We scattered on the way back to our various other activities for the day, happy to have enjoyed our suburban exploration together.