MUAB has a number of key forms, which primarily serve to manage risk. All walkers will be required to sign an Acknowledgement of Risk annually, outlining the risks and responsibilities accepted by the walker. It also functions to provide each walker with the insurance cover provided to us through Bushwalking Victoria. Attendance on a walk is logged on the Members’ Attendance form. There is a separate form for visitors for attendance and acknowledgement of risk.

When MUAB undertakes multi-day basecamp walks, participants will be required to provide the Club with Emergency Contact and Medical Information in a sealed envelope, named and marked ‘Emergency’. Only the Walk Leader or delegate will use this, and may be provided to relevant medical personnel in the event of an emergency. A form will be provided for participants to complete prior to the activity, for submission at the time of arrival at the venue. It is good practice to keep a current copy of such a form in a waterproof pouch in the outer pocket of the pack on all walks.
Should an incident occur during a club activity, the activity organiser/walk leader should complete an Incident Report form as soon as practical after the incident.