Murrindindi Scenic Reserve

Murrindindi River

Text by Meri L, photos by MLx2

A lovely day walk was enjoyed by 17 walkers in Murrindindi Scenic Reserve on April 23rd

10 walkers took on the Boroondara Track circuit. First up was the lower section of the Wilhelmina Falls, a gorgeous view unfortunately missed by a few enthusiastic walkers who had their eyes on the climb ahead. That climb indeed was a bit of a heart-starter, up to the upper lookout of the falls. While some had morning tea and a debate, others wandered into the sanctuary of the forest surrounding the upper reaches of the falls – very peaceful.

The next section was a prolonged downhill section till we reached Falls Creek. Here things livened up while Sid did battle with two enthusiastic leeches. He manfully fought them off, while the troops went searching for their stores of salt. The leeches had given up before the salt arrived, but Sid still scattered salt around, hoping to discourage further predation. Not sure that it was cause and effect, but at any rate no more leeches turned up! We had lunch once we had found a drier spot. It was very interesting seeing evidence along the track of the Black Saturday fires.

Angela went hunting for her hat – finally located in hiding in her pack. Then it was back to the car park following the river downstream. One would expect the track to be level or slightly downhill. However the track confusingly managed to go uphill for most of the distance, coming down to river level only towards the end.

The seven shorter walkers also took in the Wilhelmina Falls, some to the base, and some up the steps to the upper lookout. They then returned to the carpark, and most then followed the lovely River Walk, returning shortly after the Long walkers arrived.

In the meantime, the organisers had been busy, setting up the campfire and billies for tea and coffee. Many thanks to all those who brought firewood, chairs, all the fixings for tea and coffee, and some most tasty treats. It was a really delightful way to end the day.
